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Blurred image of the music building used as background for stylistic purposes

Chloe James

HHSOM Ambassador

Chloe James is a second-year B.M. Music Education student specializing in violin under the guidance of Dr. Heald. In addition to her major, she is pursuing a minor in Women’s Studies, seeking to promote feminism, inclusion, and empowerment within the musical world, through future higher education and research. Chloe has loved being part of the UGA Symphony Orchestra, Repertory Singers, and the UGA Philharmonic Orchestra, all of which have fueled her passion for music education. Thanks to incredible opportunities provided by the music education faculty and membership in CNAfME, she has gained valuable experiences including field observations and attendance of the 2024 GMEA Conference. While the violin is her primary instrument, Chloe also loves playing guitar, piano, and singing, often performing with her church’s contemporary band. Additionally, she is an active member of Reformed University Fellowship and enjoys hobbies like reading and baking. Chloe is excited to support incoming and prospective students and to serve as a representative of the wonderful HHSOM community.

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