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Student Highlights

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Iris Marcipar, left, Sebastián Araya, right

Owen Cotton (BMus ‘25, Performance), 
Selected to perform in a master class for Pic Sullivan, Professor of Saxophone at Northwestern University, at the 2023 Atlanta Saxophone Day.

UGA School of Music Faculty Awarded South Arts Grant

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Greg Satterthwaite album cover photo provided by artist.

Greg Satterthwaite album cover photo provided by artist.

Assistant Professor of Jazz Piano and African American Studies

During the summer of 2023, Greg Satterthwaite was awarded the South Arts Jazz Road Tours Grant.

Jazz Road Tours supports small, three- to six-site tours at an array of venue types, often in rural communities and other areas traditionally underserved by the genre.

Knowing The Full Score

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Film and Composition Certificate student Gianna Dimuzio in the Dancz Center for New Music working on one of her compositions.

Film and Composition Certificate student Gianna Dimuzio in the Dancz Center for New Music working on one of her compositions.

The University of Georgia Hugh Hodgson School of Music (HHSOM) has launched a new Film and Media Scoring Certificate. This certificate is designed to enhance an undergraduate or graduate degree in music composition with specific, hands-on instruction in the art and science of composing music for film, video games, and other media.

Faculty Recital: Liza Stepanova, piano

Liza Stepanova, piano
Ramsey Concert Hall UGA Performing Arts Center
Free Events

Praised by The New York Times for her “thoughtful musicality” and “fleet-fingered panache,” Liza Stepanova is in demand as a soloist, collaborator, and educator. In the fall of 2020, she was named Musical America Worldwide’s “New Artist of the Month,” a rare distinction celebrating her work and particularly the impact of her recent CD “E Pluribus Unum.”  2019-2020 concert highlights include invitations to the Bowdoin Music Festival and Prague Piano Festival, and tours in Canada, Mexico, and across the US at Spivey Hall in Atlanta, the USF Steinway Series, the Crescent City Festival in New Orleans, Norton Museum in Palm Beach, and more.


Jérôme Ducharme, guitar

Jerome Ducharme, guitar
Ramsey Concert Hall UGA Performing Arts Center
Guest Artists

Jérôme Ducharme performed for thousands in North America and Europe, mostly in solo recitals but also as a chamber musicians and as a guest with orchestra. His career took off after he won the first prize in the International Guitar Foundation of America Solo Guitar Competition in 2005.

He teaches in McGill University and since 2019 in Conservatoire de musique de Montréal and in Domaine Forget International Music and Dance Academy. His students has won many rewards and prizes.

Jérôme is a sought after chamber musician. He is part of Tangere Trio and Canadian Guitar Quartet.

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