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MUSI 4910/6910

Chamber Orchestra
Credit Hours:
1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.

Chamber orchestra for strings. Preparation and performance of chamber music from the Baroque period to the present.


Two group rehearsals in typical performing ensemble format for a total of six hours per week, culminating in one or two public performances per semester.


Semester Offered:

MUSI(AFST) 4861/6861

Applied Ethnomusicology: African Music
Credit Hours:
1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 4 hours credit.

Performance of African music, including styles, techniques, and movement in instrumental and vocal music. Repertoire for study and performance drawn from various regions and cultures on a rotating basis.


Semester Offered:

MUSI 4850/6850

Opera Ensemble
Credit Hours:
1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.

Study and performance of operatic literature including, as appropriate, large fully-staged works, one-act operas, and concert presentations of arias, duets, and ensembles.


Audition required. Previous stage experience desirable, but not required. This is a performance group that requires additional rehearsal time to function. The additional time will account for what would ordinarily be homework in regular courses.


Permission of department
Semester Offered:

MUSI 4845/6845

Orchestral Percussion and Timpani Repertoire Class
Credit Hours:
1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.

Delves deeply into the standard orchestral repertoire most commonly seen at percussion and timpani auditions, thus exposing students to a study of the orchestral literature in a deep and thorough manner. Students will be expected to study and familiarize themselves with the works prior to each meeting.


Permission of major
Semester Offered:

MUSI 4855/6855

Opera Theater
Credit Hours:
1 hr. Repeat for max 8 hrs credit. 3-6 hrs lab/wk.

Designed for students assigned to major roles in opera productions. Includes general principles of opera production, as well as coaching in singing and acting appropriate to the selected production.


Permission of department
Semester Offered:

MUSI 4840/6840

Wind Ensemble
Credit Hours:
1 hr. Repeat for max 9 hrs credit. 6 hrs lab/wk.

Performance of large ensemble and chamber compositions with concentration on advanced scores and contemporary repertoire. Professional level experience.


Permission of department
Semester Offered:

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