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Trumpet Ensemble

With more than sixty trumpeters studying on campus, the University of Georgia Trumpet Ensemble is able to draw upon a vast pool of majors and non-majors to fill out its roster, and as such remains a thriving aspect of musical life at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music. The group has performed twice at the annual convention of the International Trumpet Guild, premiering two works for six trumpets, performing prelude concerts, and opening a Allen Vizutti's performance at the 1993 ITG conference (Maryland).

Georgia Brass

The UGA Brass Band

Exemplifying some of the finest musicianship at the University of Georgia, the UGA Brass Band is comprised of talented undergraduate and graduate brass players.  The ensemble, structured around the American brass band tradition, is led by Professor David Zerkel, provides students with an opportunity to immerse themselves in new literature while challenging them to refine the subtleties of ensemble playing.  The UGA Brass Band performs concerts twice each school year.

Georgia Woodwind Quintet

swp_uga_0020-(ZF-3152-93607-1-004).jpgThe Georgia Woodwind Quintet is Ensemble in Residence at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music.. Since its founding in 1967, the quintet has maintained an active schedule performing woodwind chamber music from the early quintets of Danzi and Reicha to twentieth-century compositions.

Over 300 students participate in Nov. 6 "Carmina Burana" performance

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Over 300 students from the Hugh Hodgson School of Music will present Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana, one of the great 20th century masterworks for orchestra and chorus, as part of the UGA Spotlight on the Arts festival on Tuesday, November 6 at 8 p.m. in Hodgson Concert Hall.  Tickets for the performance are $10/$5 for students and available via the UGA Performing Arts Center box office at 706/542/4400 or online at

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